The South African Independent Power Producers Association is a not for profit common law association based in Johannesburg South Africa.
The association shall promote the industry interests of independent power producers in Southern Africa, with due regard for the prescripts and limitations imposed by the Competition Act.
The association shall convene at least one meeting of members per annum where members will determine the policies and strategic deliverables of the management committee. The chairman of the management committee will present a report on operation as well as the financial position of the association to the members and will provide to the members the opportunity to debate and set organisational strategy and policy in a “members-only session”. A quorum at the convention of members shall be one third of the members in good standing.
The chairman of the management committee shall chair meetings of members, and in his absences any member of the management committee.
Management Committee consists of 12 elected members and the Secretariat.
The association shall be managed by a management committee consisting of up to fifteen management committee members, of which one will be the corporate secretary of the association and the other management committee members will be eminent experts in the filed of independent power generation, who need not be members of the association.
During every second year, the corporate secretary will invite from the members, nominations for suitable management committee members, and will provide for an electronic vote to determine the composition of the management committee for the next two year period. Every individual nominee shall be put to the vote even if the number of nominees is less than the number of vacancies of the management committee.
At meetings of the management committee, fifty percent of the members plus one shall constitute a quorum.
The management committee members shall elect bi-annually, or when a vacancy arises, a chairman and secretary general for the committee, from among the management committee members. Decisions shall be taken by simple majority show of hands and the chairman shall have a casting vote in the event of an equality of votes.
All positions will expire at the two yearly members meetings prior to the election of office bearers.
The management committee can fill vacancies on the management committee when such vacancies occur. The term of office of such appointees will laps at the next general members meeting. The committee can remove members from the committee who repeatedly do not attend meetings without written apologies.
The management committee shall have such powers as are needed to make good on the objectives of the association, and shall ensure good governance of the association. This shall include the powers to open bank accounts, to contact and to delegate authority.
The management committee shall meet at least twice a year.
We pro-actively engage with legislators, government officials, planners and regulators as part of our initiatives to achieve energy security in South, as well as Southern Africa.
The founding document of the association is a constitution that was adopted on 30 August 2010 by the interim management committee as, mandated by a meeting of stakeholders held in July 2010.
Chairman - Brian Day